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Assembly Source File
400 lines
; ---------------------
; by E.Vaughan May 1996
; please mail any comments, etc. to: emil0@aol.com
comment * This is public domain software. Its been done before but here is
my version. Feel free to make it better if you want. Please send
any comments or suggestions to my address above - I would very
much appreciate it if you send me any modifications you make to
the source code. Cheers!
DISCLAIMER: there is no disclaimer. If this fucks up your machine, I don't
care - just try and sue me... :)
.STACK 100
; Different palettes for the flame
RAINBOW = 1 ; *** choose palette here ***
palette label word
IFDEF (NORMAL) ; the "normal" flame palette
db 0, 0, 0 ; set black to red
i = 3
rept 15
db i, 0, 0
i = i + 4
db 63, 0, 0 ; set red to yellow
i = 1
rept 31
db 63, i, 0
i = i + 2
db 63, 63, 0 ; set yellow to white
i = 1
rept 31
db 63, 63, i
i = i + 2
db 528 dup (63) ; set remaining colors to white
IFDEF (TESTER) ; use this palette to see how the flame works
db 0, 0, 0
rept 85
db 63, 0, 0
db 0, 63, 0
db 0, 0, 63
IFDEF (GAS1) ; I don't like this one much
db 0, 0, 0
i = 1
rept 31
db 0, 0, i
i = i + 2
db 0, 0, 63
i = 3
rept 15
db i, 0, 63-i
i = i + 4
db 63, 0, 0
i = 1
rept 31
db 63, i, i
i = i + 2
db 528 dup (63)
IFDEF (GAS2) ; some people really like this one
db 0, 0, 0
i = 1
rept 31
db 0, 0, i
i = i + 2
i = 1
rept 48
db 0, 0, 63-i
i = i +1
db 528 dup (0) ; NOTE: remaining colors set to black
IFDEF (GREEN) ; quite a nice palette, this one.
db 0, 0, 0 ; set black to green
i = 1
rept 31
db 0, i, 0
i = i + 2
i = 1 ; set green to white
rept 48
db i, 63, i
i = i + 1
db 528 dup (63) ; set remaining colors to white
IFDEF (YELLOW) ; it is what is says!
db 0, 0, 0
i = 1
rept 31
db i, i, 0
i = i + 2
i = 1
rept 48
db 63, 63, i
i = i +1
db 528 dup (63)
IFDEF (PURPLE) ; no comment.
db 0, 0, 0 ; set black to purple
i = 1
rept 31
db i, 0, i
i = i + 2
i = 1 ; set purple to white
rept 48
db 63, i, 63
i = i + 1
db 528 dup (63)
IFDEF (RAINBOW) ; cool rainbow palette
db 0, 0, 0
i = 1
rept 20 ; set black - purple
db i, 0, i
i = i + 3
rept 10 ; set purple - blue
db i, 0, 63
i = i - 6
i = 1
rept 10 ; set blue - green
db 0, i, 63-i
i = i + 6
i = 1
rept 30 ; set green - white
db i, 63, i
i = i + 2
db 555 dup (63)
random_seed1 dw 0 ; used by random number generator
random_seed2 dw 0
message label byte
db "Flamer! (c) E.Vaughan May 1996", 10, 10, 13
db "Please me send any comments, suggestions, cash, "
db "credit card numbers... :)", 10, 10, 13
db "You can reach me at emil0@aol.com", 10, 10, 13, "$"
.386 ; could be 286-, but I used 32-bit string instructions.
; replace these with word instructions for 286- machines.
mov ax, seg @DATA ; sort out ds segment
mov ds, ax
mov ax, 2C00h ; set random number generator seeds
int 21h ; call DOS get time function
mov word ptr @DATA:random_seed1, cx
mov word ptr @DATA:random_seed2, dx
xor ax, ax ; BOTH arrays _must_ be zeroed!!
push ds
pop es
mov di, offset flame_map
mov cx, 1536 ; this is the size of the arrays in dwords
rep stosd
mov di, offset new_flame_map
mov cx, 1536
rep stosd
mov ax, 0A000h
mov es, ax ; set es to VGA video segment
mov ax, 0013h
int 10h ; switch to VGA mode 13h!
mov bx, offset palette ; put palette name here!
call set_palette
push es
push ds
pop es ; save es, and transfer ds to es
mov si, offset @DATA:flame_map
add si, 127*48+10
mov cx, 12 ; number of hot_spots - changeable
push si ; save a copy of si
pop si
push si
mov bx, 28 ; determines how wide the hot-spot area is
call random
add si, ax
mov al, 200 ; you can change this to alter flame height
mov ds:[si], al
loop @hot_spots_loop
pop si ; sort out stack!
mov si, offset @DATA:flame_map
add si, 49
mov di, offset @DATA:new_flame_map
add di, 49
mov dx, 127 ; row counter
mov cx, 46 ; columns counter
xor ax, ax ; get average of the 8 surrounding pixels
xor bx, bx ; pixels are taken from one BELOW
mov al, ds:[si-1]
mov bl, ds:[si]
add ax, bx
mov bl, ds:[si+1]
add ax, bx
mov bl, ds:[si+47]
add ax, bx
mov bl, ds:[si+49]
add ax, bx
mov bl, ds:[si+95]
add ax, bx
mov bl, ds:[si+96]
add ax, bx
mov bl, ds:[si+97]
add ax, bx
shr ax, 3
mov es:[di], al ; es still set to ds!
inc si
inc di
loop @cols1
inc si ; note: the outside edges are left alone.
inc si
inc di
inc di
dec dx ; dx counts rows
jnz @rows1
mov si, offset @DATA:new_flame_map
mov di, offset @DATA:flame_map
mov cx, 1536
rep movsd ; update new flames map
pop es ; restore video segment
mov dx, 03DAh ; VGA port used to get retrace state
comment * uncomment this to sync flame with vertical retrace
in al, dx
test al, 8
jz @retrw ; wait for a vertical retrace
mov si, offset @DATA:flame_map
mov di, 36*320+160-24
mov bx, 127 ; row counter
mov cx, 12
rep movsd ; write flame bitmap to video memory
add di, 272
dec bx
jnz @rows2
in al, 60h ; wait until user presses escape
cmp al, 1
jne @main_loop
mov ax, 0003h ; return to text mode
int 10h
mov dx, offset message ; display message
mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov ax, 0C06h
mov dl, 0
int 21h ; GOOD way of flushing keyboard buffer
; any comments?
mov ax, 4C00h ; terminate program
int 21h
main ENDP
set_palette PROC NEAR
; sets VGA palette - bx holds palette image offset!
push ax cx dx si di es ; commas may be needed with MASM
mov si, bx
mov dx, 03C6h
mov al, 0FFh
out dx, al
inc dx
inc dx
mov al, 0 ; start with color 0
out dx, al
inc dx
mov cx, 768
rep outsb ; blast palette to VGA
mov ax, 0A000h ; draws the palette at the top of the screen
mov es, ax
xor di, di
mov cx, 256
mov al, 0
inc al
loop @@loop1
pop es di si dx cx ax
set_palette ENDP
random PROC NEAR ; good random proc - sorry, I can't remember
; where this originated from.
push cx dx si di
mov cx, bx
mov ax, word ptr ds:random_seed1
mov bx, word ptr ds:random_seed2
mov si, ax
mov di, bx
mov dl, ah
mov ah, al
mov al, bh
mov bh, bl
xor bl, bl
rcr dl, 1
rcr ax, 1
rcr bx, 1
add bx, di
adc ax, si
add bx, 62E9h
adc ax, 3619h
mov word ptr ds:random_seed2, ax
mov word ptr ds:random_seed1, bx
xor dx, dx
div cx ; slow DIV instruction here...
mov ax, dx
pop di si dx cx
random ENDP
flame_map db 6144 dup (?) ; large arrays
new_flame_map db 6144 dup (?)
END start
*** END OF FILE ***